U.S. Memorial Wereth

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Nachdem das U.S. Memorial Wereth in den letzten Jahren an nationaler und internationaler Bekanntheit gewonnen hat, wird es auch häufig von Touristen besucht. Regelmäßig organisieren Reiseagenturen im Rahmen von Informationsfahrten zur Ardennenoffensive Besuche des Denkmals. Als ehrenamtliche Vereinigung freuen wir uns stets über ihre Gedanken zum Denkmal, den Wereth 11, der Geschichte und den Lehren, das Wereth-Memorial uns lehrt. In unserem Gästebuch können Sie gerne ihre Erinnerungen und Meinungen teilen.

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30 Kommentare zu „Gästebuch“

  1. Heute, am 17.12.2024 habe ich die Gedenkstätte in Wereth besucht und der 11 GI‘s gedacht, die dort vor 80 Jahren so brutal ermordet wurden.
    Ein denkwürdiger Ort, liebevoll geschmückt mit Blumen, Kerzen und Kreuzen.
    Ein Ort aber auch um der vielen Menschen weltweit zu gedenken, die in 2024 unter Krieg, Hass und Verfolgung leiden.

  2. Golder Sanford

    I hope to come visit the Monument in august.can you please send me information on how to get there and where to stay.also I would like to make a donation

  3. Golder Sanford

    Dear wereth
    I hope to visit the Monument this summer. Can you tell me the best way to get there from Paris? Also how far is the Malmedy Monument and how far is the international Airport? And how can I make a donation to the Wereth Monument?

  4. Alexandra Haman

    This touched me deeply, every African(descendant) who is in Europe, who reaches Europe, should honour them by visiting this place Wereth. Lets Not forget them, and tell Others who doesn’t know about this horrible war crime, their fear and pain.
    17 december was already A day of remembrance for me, now it is even more, 11,✌🏿.your spirits will be Honoured and Uplifted, ❤️
    RIP 11 🙏🏿
    Alexandra Haman

  5. Stephanie Zeigler-Ballerstein

    Thank you for what you have done for these heroes. Thank you for making sure that they are honored and not forgotten. I did not learn about the Wereth 11 until we were stationed in Germany (U.S. Military). As soon as I learned about them, I had to visit….and I am thankful that I had the chance to do so in March 2016. I will never forget my experience. As a veteran and a Black American, I am thankful and appreciative of their sacrifices. God bless you always.

  6. Victoria Robinson

    PFC Due William Turner was husband to my 2nd cousin twice removed. In addition to knowing my father’s paternal uncles, Due likely knew my father’s maternal uncles, several whom enlisted in the Army in the early years of the United States‘ involvement in the war. I first learned of Due’s story when one of your researchers reached out to me. Although Due and I are not related by blood (that I know of), he is still family. I’m continuing to identify any descendants of his older maternal half siblings, as well as attempting to identify his biological father. Although he lived but 22 years, I hope that I can find a photo of Due to add to the memorial.

    Thank you for the work that you do.

  7. 14/02/2020 – PFC. James F. Riddick 1942 to 1945 Rhine River, Rhineland, Germany
    My father served in WWII as an engineer (black Regiment) building and rebuilding bridges over the rhine river, as a kid I never could understand why he would keep saying they just kept rebuilding the same bridges over and over. One day he mention wereth 11 and told me this is the reason why we just did our job, on one side of the river there were white Germans that wanted to kill us and on the side we were on white Americans wanted to kill us. „I did my job, I came home, I raised my kids and no one can ever take that away from me.“ For me I served my country, raised my kids and I tell my sons and grandsons the stories and honor he bestowed in me and my brothers All four of us served because of Dad’s stories of his time in WWII. „Make a difference, drive on and never look back“. he would say to us. Hope we made you proud Dad. R.I.P.

  8. Patrick J. Connelly

    04/01/2020 – Remembering
    I was at 1st memorial dedication in 2006 it’s was powerful and sobering to experiences thank you this site and dedication to Wereth 11 God Bless You

  9. 17/12/2019 – Grenzecho newspaper
    Thank you journalists of the newspaper „Grenzecho“ from Eupen in Belgium, to write about this memorial for coloured soldiers today. I read the first time about what happend in Wereth. Such a shame for the german side and for the 1. Div. LAH of my father in special, If they did like, so, unbelievable crime. I‘ m verry sorry for all of them and God bless there families. My father was not involved in any crime in the war and God bless him too. He read all soldiers of the war bis camerads. We lived in Voerden near Osnabrück in good neighbourhood of the Vorden Ranges, most soldiers of the 5.th U.S.S.A.D. from Fort Bliss in Texas. With the the coloured GIs Anthony Burdon and Robert Seeny I shared the basketballteam TV Voerden. Also there I ve read a discrimination of coloured soldiers, the Captain White, the Squad coloured. How closed this german nazi ideology has Bern to the KkK, that crime like this happend. Coloured soldiers fought the civil war in US to the right success and they brought my country freedom of the nazimovement, they Made Hitler the looser and did protect us infront of Stalin. Thank you to all coloured GIs by that way. Specially this eleven heros dies in real Bad way, it’s looking like. To find Out the murderside of this warcrime maybe it ist helpfull to check out the german informationcenter Bundesarchiv in Berlin, where everything about the division Leibstandarte is documentet. Also the Archiv of warcrime in Ludwigsburg near Stuttgart will help you, to find Out about someone with the Name Knittel or Kittel. God bless all soldiers of the US Army and there families and too the familie Langer for tere real great charakter. These eleven we can’t take back . I will pray to forgive all these crime of the war. Thank you for doing this website.

  10. 25/09/2019 – Wereth visit
    Myself and my children visited the memorial and it was surreral to see and to hear the story. We talked with Tina at their home and it was emotional to sit at that same table and understand what they endured. So grateful there are people who care to continue this great work and spread the news of what happened. I served 21 years in the US Army active duty and studied military history and no where did I ever learn of the Wereth 11 until after I retired and was skimming through Stars and Stripes in 2012 and saw an advertisement for a trip to Wereth for a ceremony. It was such an experience for my children that they still speak of today. I am the President of my American Legion Auxiliary and we designed a program about the Wereth 11 that we take and speak at different places making people aware and its great to share with others about the sacrifice these men made. Thank you.

  11. Christopher A Harper

    07/09/2019 – Pride
    I am a 46 year old Black Navy veteran. I recently found out about the Wereth 11. I cannot express the PRIDE that swelled inside me along with TEARS! Black men have served in every major war this nation has fought. Only to come home to worse treatment. My great uncle was a Mess Steward stationed in Pearl when the attack happened. Once his Naval enlistment was up and the Corps started to accept Black men, he joined. These brave warriors deserve MORE! I am so PROUD of these men! God bless!

  12. 17/05/2019 – Thank you
    I just wanted to thank you for the memorial and I wanted to thank Charles from Arizona, whom I met at the Malmedy Massacre Memorial and told me about the Wereth Memorial. The massacre of these brave American soldiers at Wereth, the failure of the U.S. to honor them properly for so many years, and the Langer family and the Memorial staff’s dedication to seeing the Wereth 11 properly honored is an amazing story that shows the best and worst in humanity. Thank you for seeing these men properly honored.

  13. 13/01/2019 – Wereth 11 Memorial Staff
    I would like to thank the Langer family for building the Memorial to help everyone remember the ultimate price payed by the Were 11.

  14. Xavier Pennway

    06/01/2019 – With deep thanks
    It is with deep heartfelt thanks that I wright this. To ALL who made such conscious effort and hard work, for this memorial and monument to these incredibly 11 brave soldiers. I am an American, and this is the first I have read about these men. Now I too will not forget them and I too will spread the word of these brave soldiers !

  15. 02/09/2018 – Thanking them for there service
    Hello Warren Judge here from Oregon Illinois. I just wanted to say hello and that I’m honored to be able to visit the web site of these fallen heroes. As a model builder and military miniature figure painter I’m working on a figure in honor of the 333rd FAB and one of the soldiers of the 11 Wereth. I don’t have much to go on other than what I’ve seem in the movie and what I’ve been able to see on The internet. The figure I’m doing is of a radioman holding the radio phone in his hand and the radio pack on His back. I’m trying to find as much info on who would of been the radioman in the unit and to honor him as well as the unit. Either thank you for such a beautiful web page and the great honor you do to remember these men. Here is my email warren.judge@ aol.com I’ll keep you posted and can send picks as I go along to finish this figure. The figure will be display at the Chicago Military Miniature Society of Illinois At the Marriott In Schaumberg iIllinois on October 19-21 God bless

  16. 03/09/2018 – Visit to Wereth memorial to black GIs
    Was very moved that local Belgian family saw fit to build a monument that the US Army neglected to do.

  17. Roberto Garcia

    18/06/2018 – Hero’s live forever
    Watching the movie of these fine men brought tears to my eyes. As a former service member I have an understanding of the love we have for each other and my heart breaks for those young men who died in that manner. Those men are hero’s and will never be forgotten. To our friends who brought this memorial to life…..thank you for caring.

  18. David Miller

    05/05/2018 – Wereth 11 Memorial
    We were quite moved when visiting the Memorial in April 2018. I had been somewhat aware of the massacre from a TV documentary and our local guide Henri Mignon included a stop at the Memorial during a Battle of the Bulge tour. It is fitting that the Langer family kept the memory of this incident alive and it now has official recognition.

  19. Allen Buckhalt

    15/03/2018 – Wereth Memorial
    My family and I were privileged to visit the Wereth Memorial in April 2017 during our tour of Germany, Belgium, and France. My grandfather served in the Battle of the Bulge with the 3rd Battalion, 504th PIR, 82nd Airborne and we were visiting some of the sites along their route of march. I have the utmost respect for the brave men of the Wereth 11 and all of our veterans past and present. Thank you for all that you do to keep their memory and sacrifices alive.

  20. 16/02/2018 – Wereth 11 Memorial
    In 2015 while visiting Belgium I knew of the Wereth 11 but didn’t know where the memorial was. By accident I came across the memorial and stayed to pay my respects to those brave soldiers. Later I visited Henri Chappel Cemetery and again thought of those and the thousands who gave of themselves for our freedom. My God continue to bless all those souls.

  21. 11/01/2018 – Wereth 11
    I had no idea this happened. THANK YOU for enlightening us.

  22. 26/11/2017 – Thank you
    This is such an incredible story. I had no idea about these men and their stories before watching documentary. Thank you all for giving these men what others failed to give them, love and respect for a job well done. We don’t learn about stuff like this in American History. They fought and died for America but their stories are mysteries to most of us. I already appreciate you guys, it’s heart warming to know others care. Thank you. I hope to visit the site someday

  23. 01/06/2017 – James Leatherwood
    My grandmother was born and raised in Pontotoc County, Mississippi. While reading the book „The Lost Eleven“ I saw that Private First Class James Leatherwood lived there too. The Langer family showed courage and compassion helping Mr. Leatherwood, at the risk of their own lives. May James Leatherwood’s soul find the peace it so truly deserves.

  24. 08/04/2017 – Thank you
    Thank you for making the sharing of this site and their experience possible. Please make the donation info a bit clearer so those wishing to assist with the site’s upkeep and message can follow their hearts. Thanks so much for this work.

  25. 12/04/2017 – Whereth 11 visited
    We (from The Netherlands) visited the memorial in 2015. We where deeply moved, what a tragedy, what a horrible crimes. Thank you for this monument and this website. It is in these troubled times more important then ever to understand that history will repeat if not taking the lessons from it and preventing new massacres in Europe. May these brave men rest in peace, in God’s Light. Please

  26. 18/01/2017 To you, the Wereth 11
    What an incredible story, what an incredible tragedy…..I only know of you from looking at documentaries on ROKU and randomly picking your story. The excerpt on this site is from that documentary. Thank you for your service and your sacrifice. I will remember. I only hope that others will learn your story.

  27. 02/01/2017 Thank you for this website and please keep this important information available to all for all times. Thank you